Rural Microenterprises Assistance
In this project underserved farmers and rural small business and micro enterprises operated by veterans, women tenant, and socially disadvantaged, limited resources, beginning and youth producers are assisted through financial assistance through funding from USDA/Farm Service Agency (FSA) and Rural Development (RD). The institute intends to use five outreach education, technical assistance and financial education models to support these producers. This will ensure that FSA and RD serve these targeted producers that could benefit from the additional outreach resulting (1) increase access to their programs and services; and (2) improve technical assistance and financial education related to FSA and RD farm and business loan programs.
In this project underserved farmers and rural small business and micro enterprises operated by veterans, women tenant, and socially disadvantaged, limited resources, beginning and youth producers are assisted through financial assistance through funding from USDA/Farm Service Agency (FSA) and Rural Development (RD). The institute intends to use five outreach education, technical assistance and financial education models to support these producers. This will ensure that FSA and RD serve these targeted producers that could benefit from the additional outreach resulting (1) increase access to their programs and services; and (2) improve technical assistance and financial education related to FSA and RD farm and business loan programs.